Special Workshop for Tango Technique

Saturday, October 17 11-1

Give your Tango that Extra quality, style and elegance.

Let’s cut to the chase: We like to believe that it’s not how your tango looks, rather hot it “feels.” Well, it will feel a whole lot better when your body moves in a natural way, which, by the way, looks elegant and style full. In return, that will help you connect better, be more grounded or stable, be more playful? Why? because your movements are more predictable for you and your partner!

Technique is the foundation of dance movement. Together with Sabine you will explore your quality of movement (walk, pivot, scadas, boleo, enrosque) embrace, partnering, and improvisation.


  • To better serve your needs, four months steady tango lessons required to attend workshop
  • Leaders & Followers welcome
  • Bring shoes and socks, wear comfortable clothing
  • Please bring $30 payable to Sabine Ibes (no credit cards accepted)
  • Event will take place at Dance Life Ballroom, 6015 Lyndale Ave, Minneapolis